People clambering over a fallen logOn Sunday, May 31st, about 40 Bowen Islanders met on an overlooked little piece of land across from Grafton Lake to imagine a future community garden.

Hosted by John Reid at the Orchard Recovery Centre and facilitated by Chris Corrigan and Ed Wachtman, we brainstormed, wandered the land in small groups, and wrote stories about a vision for the future of the 5 or so acres, which used to be a hayfield in the 1930s.

Thanks to all who participated and those who will get involved in future. Maybe you’ll see yourself in the slideshow below.

Click any image below to start the slideshow – use cursor keys to move from slide to slide – press escape to close the show.

Photography © John Dowler 2015

People in serious discussion at the Orchard Recovery CentreThe next steps are to boil down the stories, post-it notes, videos and conversations into a plan that can become part of the overall rezoning proposal for council.

Thanks to all who participated and those who will get involved in future. You may enjoy the article in the Undercurrent, written by editor Meribeth Deen, who participated all day. The next steps are to boil down the stories, post-it notes, videos and conversations into a plan that can become part of the overall rezoning proposal for council.

The door is always open to your input, so if you have ideas or special knowledge you’d like to add to the trove, please contact us by email, comment on facebook or our website, and buttonhole us at cafes.

We found a lot of enthusiasm about a community agricultural hub – and by the way, we’re still looking for a name for it. Suggestions?